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Events are basic activities performed by or towards a contact or company.

It is identified by a timestamp and/or a contact/company (dd_contact_id/dd_company_id).

Some events are anonymous, meaning neither the contact or the company performing the event is known (both dd_contact_id and dd_company_id will be NULL). For other events, we know only about the company, but not the contact (only dd_contact_id will be NULL).

For contacts associated with multiple companies, events are repeated to each company (dd_company_id) associated with the contact (dd_contact_id). This makes the schema ideal to answer account based questions.

To remove the repeated events by only including the event associated with the primary company of the contact, see dd_is_primary_event.

Events can be grouped into sessions - the session that the event belongs to is indicated by dd_session_id. A typical example is a web session containing multiple page view events.